
I am investigating those dimension of my experiences which are beyond (my) speech and language and which by “telling them” – if possible at all - would perish. As such, it is not about hidden or secrets, as a naive reading might suggest, but rather about the unspeakable, not without a certain sadness, not finding words for it. Which space, which possibilities lie beyond conventions, boundary delineation, and even taboos; in what relationship do I stand to the Other, destined to be misunderstood due to its enduring Otherness? This body of work is an attempt to put myself into question, by exercising a visual transgression, meandering along multiple borders and taboos while deliberately sidestepping conventional modes of speech, language, and rationality - with the intention of discovering one's own inner experience (in a Bataillean notion, the sacred space) and to compose in a creative act a distinct identity anew - in the inherent openness, not emptiness, of this space. This is a personal inquiry, my song that I sing into "...the sea gone with the sun".
